The space elves are on hiatus untill they get a new codex or i get bored again, same for the Bonecrons.
Ork Deffkopta
I really enjoyed painting the DeffKopta, i also used this model to experiment with some weathering powders for the first time, i think they came out real nice.
Color scheme for the Boyz
The list i am aiming for with my Orks is something like:
1 Biker Warboss
1 Big mech with Kustom Force Field
5 Nob Bikers
3 Shoota Boyz mobs in Trukks
1 Ard'Boyz mob with Choppas in Battlewagon
6 DeffKoptas
It nicely fit the all mechanized theme i am going for and should be fun to play.