Just thought i would add a post to summirieze the battles i fought with the brazen fists prior to writing this blog.
Also it is worth mentioning that the Brazen Fists is pretty much the first 40K army i have played with since 1997 (a had a little game of 4th ed in a GW store circa 2008).
Battle 1: Marine vs Marine 650pts Capture and Control pitched battle. DRAW
Still learning the game i drawed, Shrike tore up much of my army and several squads started the great Brazen fist tradition of running away.
Battle 2: Marine vs Marine 850pts Annihilation and Spearhead. WIN
A very close fought battle won by a single kill point, i belive it would have been a draw if not for some rules confusion.
Battle 3: Marine vs Chaos Space Marine 850pts Annihilation and Pitched battle. LOSS
I had no chance to win from the start due massive imbalance of avaliable kill points, many of my units ran of the table again but i did manage to break a unit of Chaos marines with deamon weapon guy?
Battle 4: Marine vs Marine 1250pts Sieze Ground and Spearhead. WIN
My first battle with the barzen fists signiture assault cannon razorbacks, it was quite close fought but i managed to win by tankshocking a razorback onto the objective on the last turn.
Battle 5: Marine vs Marine 1500pts Annihilation and Spearhead. WIN
First 1500pts battle, i was lucky to win this as i had many units down to low numbers at the end of the game.
Battle 6: Ork vs Marine 1500pts Annihilation and pitched battle. LOSS
My first game against Ork was a bloodbath, bikers tore me up badly, in the end only a razorback survived.
Battle 7: Marine vs Blood Angels 1500pts Sieze Ground and Dawn of War. LOSS
Dawn of war deployment really hurts my army! I lost quite badly in this game.